The first successful guided firing of the Sea Venom missile from a Royal Navy Wildcat helicopter was achieved at MOD Aberporth Range as part of the Future Air-to-Surface Guided Weapon (FASGW) Programme. The demonstration was a great example of collaboration with MOD, Royal Navy, Leonardo, MBDA and QinetiQ working together to deliver a successful outcome. Sea Venom provides a step change in operational capability to Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 25.
The trial programme was enabled through an EDP Mode 3 Contract, covering air support certification and release to service, providing a great front door to access all the services required and offering full flexibility as requirements changed over the period. With the trial event being hosted on an LTPA range at MOD Aberporth Range, a wide variety of Test, Trials, Training and Evaluation (T3E) services were enabled and deployed, ensuring full access to QinetiQ expertise.
The Air Test and Evaluation Centre (ATEC) based at MOD Boscombe Down has been involved for several years as part of the combined test team developing FASGW, producing safety cases for the integration of the missile with the Wildcat helicopter as an integral part of the CSG21 deployment.
In the run up to the trial, deck-motion models were run to define sea-state limits. Working closely with target deployment vessel operators and using detailed meteorological forecast information, the team were able to determine optimum dates and times to deploy target and undertake the firing – a critical determining factor in the deployment of the industry trials teams to Aberporth.
The weapons danger area was all derived from modelled data and the Wildcat Delivery Team used aircraft trials data to refine and translate weapon release limits into aircrew observable numbers.
Developing the targets to be used for the trial was not a simple matter. Specific thermal augmentation systems had to be built to provide a true representation. The final layout involved a primary target, with two secondary targets, all bespoke, designed and built by the Surface Targets Team at MOD Aberporth Range.
The Range
The QinetiQ team at MOD Aberporth Range, supported by SME’s from across the wider Air Ranges Capability worked extensively with all stakeholders to develop a comprehensive trials design to optimise critical data capture whilst ensuring a safe and efficient environment for the conduct of the Trial. With so many parties involved, the complexity demanded constant dialogue and communications to successfully enable and deliver the firing event.
A comment from one of the Wildcat team summed it up It was rewarding to see the delivery focussed ethos at MOD Aberporth Range, the team were fantastic.
The focus now goes back to ATEC at MOD Boscombe Down to provide recommendations for in-service use.