T3E is managed under the Long Term Partnering Agreement (LTPA) between QinetiQ and the UK Ministry of Defence. Under the Agreement, QinetiQ is responsible for the operation of 16 MOD land, sea and air ranges and specialist test facilities, and the provision of specialist technical expertise and support services..

Students and instructors from ETPS crewing in for a training sortie at MoD Boscombe Down
Investing in future capability
Under the LTPA, QinetiQ is delivering on an investment programme to support the advancement of digital T&E and evolve the test and evaluation capability to meet future needs.
St Kilda aerial view
Promoting sustainability across sites and ranges
QinetiQ has put in place a sustainability framework across the estate and the sites, which are managed for the MOD, are underpinned by an Environmental Management System certified to ISO 14001. QinetiQ also undertakes sustainability trials and mitigating actions to minimise the impact on the environment, protect and enhance biodiversity.
St Kilda Investments
Central funding by the MOD for MOD users
The capabilities, services and facilities are funded centrally by the UK MOD for use by Front Line Commands, DE&S, DSTL and organisations working directly to the UK MOD. These users pay for project specific trial and evaluation costs.


T3E logo
Accessing our capabilities

Our extensive test and evaluation capabilities and support services can be accessed by the UK MOD, Allied Forces, Defence Equipment Manufacturers, Security Services, Police and Border Forces.

Talk to us about your requirement.

0800 015 0594

T3E logo

MOD Trials Evaluation Services and Targets (TEST) project team:



Public enquiries and information on range activity

Public information regarding local range activity is available on the sites and ranges pages.

For other general enquires:

0800 015 0594